Welcome to the blog section!

I’m officially retired and extremely happy with my decision.

A rather unorthodox introduction – the main reason why this part of my webpage exists is that it was already designed prior to January 26th – which is the date on which I decided to stop performing, stop battling, stop recording mixes and shooting videos, stop growing my online channels, stop releasing physical merch and stop doing a few other dj activities that seemed to be a necessity. That is, fully retire – apart from scratch lessons which I’m still happy to lead, online and offline. I’m not selling my gear, however. I’ll simply start doing what I do for myself only – I don’t find a reason to stop exploring the beauty of the turntable as an instrument, just as I don’t find a reason to share these explorations with anybody anymore.

Back to the blog section – it was originally meant to be an outlet for anything that couldn’t have been covered in my dj work – there’s a big selection and information gathering process behind every scratch video and an even bigger such process behind compiling a mixtape or the material for a live show. I thought I would occasionally update my audience about events, travels, scratch material, etc., also occasionally just share musical explorations connected with what I present in my videos, mixes and at my gigs.


Now that I’m here, retired, with a website that was basically done, apart from the shop and the needed content update, I’ll use this section for sporadical write ups about what I’ve been tuned to, and it’ll probably have very little to do with the music which you know me for.


To anybody who’s been following since day one, or since day two, or since recently – appreciate you. It was a nice ride. Now, I’ll keep moving on, as the Masta Ace joint goes.

Read more stuff here